This primary school was constructed as a part of a new complex of residential buildings in the district of Bystrc that were built using MS–OB prefabricated skeleton technology. This technique influenced the appearance of the building, which had a flat roof and long strips of windows along the whole length of its facade, as was the case with the neighbouring shopping precinct. The project for the school itself was progressive at that time largely due to the variation in its ground plan and the fact that it was based on the highly acclaimed Dutch concept of school buildings. The prefabricated construction made it possible to divide the two-storey building into several functional units that were directly connected to one other. The school thereby gained a greater number of areas for gathering. Moreover, the dispersion of the buildings was effective in that it helped bring light to the classrooms and provide them with soundproofing from the canteens, sports halls and changing rooms that served over a thousand pupils.
The school is set on sloping terrain and is accessible by a staircase from Černého, the main street leading to the complex of residential buildings. The main entrance to the building leads directly to the cloak rooms, which are located below the classrooms of the first floor. The cloak rooms are set in a large hall where natural daylight streams through the wire mesh of the individual cubicles. Class rooms for younger pupils are not situated in close proximity to those of older ones so as to minimise noise levels during lesson time. The architectural design largely oriented the classrooms toward the sides with greatest exposure to the sun or overlooking green space, in the direction of the upper reaches of Holedná woods.
The school was constructed at the beginning of the 1980s by the state company Pozemní stavby Ostrava under the management of Brnoprojekt and cost 25 million Czechoslovak crowns. By the entrance to the school, on the left-hand side, there is a large five-part relief on a children’s theme by the sculptor Sylva Lacinová-Jílková. According to the regional commission of the Czech Fund for Fine Arts, the relief cost 377,000 Czechoslovak crowns in 1982.