Efforts at the year-round heating comfort of the exhibition centre visitors triggered an idea to build corridors linking the pavilions. The system was designed by Heinz Wilk as early as 1971 and successfully installed in the Dusseldorf exhibition centre. A dense network of roofed passages first appeared on the development plan of the Brno exhibition centre a year later. On a plan from 1977 it was reduced, and a tender was announced; the winning design was chosen by the representatives of the Office of the Main Architect and the Faculty of Architecture of the VUT Brno.
The Velehradský couple caught the jury’s attention with an interesting design of passages of a circular diameter on a base, which could be air-conditioned due to the combination of glazed and full outer shell. The walls of the passages thus show no condensation and don’t freeze in winter. Lights are installed in the handles of the railings.
The passages don’t interfere with the main frontages of the historical pavilions connected in this fashion: pavilions A and C, D and B, C and E, and B and E.