This semi-detached house designed by Jan Víšek in Drnovická Street is one of the buildings of the New House estate that has received the most extensive reconstructions during its existence. This is an example of a semi-detached house consisting of two identical units.
The street facade of the building with the ground floor on pillars features a stern grid of standardized windows; the garden facade is only segmented by the small windows of the staircase, kitchen and sanitary facilities. The ground floor housed the utility areas of the cellar, dryer and laundry, while the first story was occupied by the kitchen and living room connected with the dining room. The second floor housed the parents' and children's bedrooms as well as a guest room. The roof was also residential and had a small shelter, terrace and sunbath.
Despite designing the free ground floor and residential roof entirely along the lines of Le Corbusier's principles of modern architecture, Víšek did not take full advantage of the possibilities offered by the ferro-concrete skeleton and confined the structure in the traditional area layout with a full facade and small windows. Yet, the architect's extreme minimalism in the expression and standardization of components achieved the lowest building costs (120,000 Czechoslovak crowns) and smallest built-up area (45 m2) of all the structures in the New House estate.
Semi-detached house
Semi-detached house
Jan Víšek
Žabovřesky 1918–1945
Residential house, villa
Drnovická 1003, 1004 / 8, 10,
(Žabovřesky), Brno, Žabovřesky
Public transport
Bráfova (TRAM 1)
Burianovo náměstí (TRAM 3, 10)
49°12'22.309"N, 16°34'17.026"E
Bedřich Václavek,
Zdeněk Rossmann (red.),
Katalog výstavy moderního bydlení Nový dům,
Brno 1928
Petr Pelčák,
Ivan Wahla (eds.), Vladimír Šlapeta ,
Jan Víšek 1890–1966,
Brno 1999